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Advent Zagreb kroz objektiv

Okusi adventskog Zagreba
Izjave posjetitelja
Edward Joseph Mavrinac, Oakville, Canada
Undoubtedly the experience of a lifetime!!!
I would highly recommend the city of Zagreb, Croatia to any and all tourists who truly wish to experience the true spirit and energy of the Advent Season. It is an experience which any guests/tourists will never forget.
Tobias und Anna, Wien
Wir haben super Geschenke gefunden.
Einige davon auch für uns selbst. (Lachen)
Alzbeta 29, Czech Republic
Spectacular experience.
The kids had a blast!
Marija i Zoki, Hrvatska
Uživali smo i zasigurno dolazimo opet.
Ivana, Leona y Nina
Fue extraordinario e inolvidable.
Rumi 31, UK
This is perfect!
Highly recommended. Skating around with the beautiful city buildings overlooking is overwhelming.
Iz medija o Adventu
BBC News
Croatia Advent celebrations begin
Travel 365
Natale 2024 a Zagabria: cosa fare, info pratiche e consigli
The Times
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Economie News
Nigdje u Europi nismo vidjeli bogatiji, ljepši, organiziraniji, ... Advent!!!
Obišli smo brojne gradove Europe u zadnjih mjesesc i pol dana, i NIGDJE nismo vidjeli bogatiji, ljepši, organiziraniji, ... Advent!!! To me kao Hrvaticu silno veseli, osobito jer se u Zagrebu ponovo osjeća njegova tradicionalna kultura, ukus, sofisticiranost i bogatstvo duhovnim vrijednostima. Vrijedno divljenja i nas domaćih, a pogotovo turista.